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Tech Support

Are You Backing Up the Right Way?

It is always a great time to put a backup in place. Businesses are losing huge amounts of data every day, purely because ‘backing up’ is stuck at the bottom of their to-do list. So this is your reminder, that… Continue reading

Let’s Get Organized

One of the biggest New Year’s Resolutions every year is to get organized. It makes sense: new year, new you, less clutter. But organizing can be hard and tedious. Fortunately there are lots of helpful apps, tips and tricks to… Continue reading

Smart Homes


Innovators these days integrate technology into everyday live. The newest tech hub: your home. Smart houses are homes that merge technology seamlessly into every day live. And no, we don’t mean the house in Disney Channel’s 1999 movie Smart… Continue reading

What is Malware?

Computer_Security_Symbol_-_Malware_(rot)There are lots of things out there that can make your computer sick or stop working properly. Malware is a program specifically designed to harm comp that can slow down your computer, stop certain applications from working, or even let… Continue reading

iCloud vs. Cloud

iCloud_Alt (1)Apple iCloud

Storage: 5GB free/1TB maxicloud-nav-icon-280x200

What it stores: Photos, Notes, Contacts, any iTunes purchases, iPhone and iPad backups

Apple iCloud is hard to nail down. There’s very little direct access to it at all. You basically get 5GB of… Continue reading

How Secure are Your Passwords?


“Make sure you passwords are secure.” We hear it all the time. Groans can be heard all around the world when a website requires a password with a number AND a symbol AND it must be at least eight characters… Continue reading

Memory (RAM) vs. Hard Drive: There’s a Difference

One of the most important things to know the difference between is memory vs. the hard drive. This is pertinent when you want to know how your computer works and will also save you a lot of time when you… Continue reading

What is your iCloud Really Backing Up?

What do you think your iCloud is backing up? Photos, Mail, and Notes? Well, this is true. But what about the documents stored on your computer? Not if they are saved on the desktop or the My Documents folder. Your… Continue reading

Windows 10



It’s official – the next Microsoft OS will be named Windows 10 —  not 9.  Although it may be called something different when it finally comes out.   Supposedly it will be scalable across all platforms… Continue reading

Skype = Translator

Microsoft has released a video showing a live demonstration using its Skype application as a universal translator.  This is really amazing technology that can be used to allow people from different countries to talk and collaborate with each other.… Continue reading

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