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Online Safety

What is Malware?

Computer_Security_Symbol_-_Malware_(rot)There are lots of things out there that can make your computer sick or stop working properly. Malware is a program specifically designed to harm comp that can slow down your computer, stop certain applications from working, or even let… Continue reading

Twitter Etiquette

  • Don’t retweet more than you can tweet

It’s like oversharing on Facebook: no one wants to be flooded with content from tons of other sources. They follow you for a reason, so fulfill that reason

How Secure are Your Passwords?


“Make sure you passwords are secure.” We hear it all the time. Groans can be heard all around the world when a website requires a password with a number AND a symbol AND it must be at least eight characters… Continue reading

What is your iCloud Really Backing Up?

What do you think your iCloud is backing up? Photos, Mail, and Notes? Well, this is true. But what about the documents stored on your computer? Not if they are saved on the desktop or the My Documents folder. Your… Continue reading

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